Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Leveled Out

As I find myself wasting time playing candy crush, I lay here and contemplate life. I scratch mosquito bites and play this mindless game day after day. And guess what. I have been stuck on the same level for days. I can't seem to clear all those stupid jellies in under sixty moves. It's like a rat race when your legs are tied.

Ugh and now I'm bleeding. Great.

So I lay here trying to avoid reality.whats reality you ask. Reality is that I'm alone. I'm stuck on the same level for days. The jellies won't go away. No matter how hard I try. Then I run out of lives. And once in a while someone offers me a life. So I get all excited. Today will be the day I clear the jellies. But i cant seem to do it. It's like I'm destined to stay on that level. Destined to keep trying to clear all the jellies. And I go through life after life and sometimes I'm so close. Nope. Not close enough. One left. So close. Nope.

So I go to sleep. Alone in my bed. On the same level as yesterday. And I'll be on the same level tomorrow. Trying to clear the same jellies. Just to get to the next level. But let's be realistic, I'm going to be on this level for a long long time. There are no shortcuts. There are no gimmicks. You gotta just play the game.

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